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About us

Historia Państwowej Inspekcji Pracy


Foundation of the Halina Krahelska Chief Labour Inspector Award for achievements in the field of protection of labour and health in the work environment.


The start of the “Employer – Safe Work Organiser” contest promoting the best OSH practices. The reward is a statue which is a reference to Ovid’s words: “Mecum Tutissimus Ibis” (you will go most safely with me).

20 October 1999

At the Royal Castle in Warsaw, Deputy Speaker of the Sejm Stanisław Zając together with the Chairperson of the Labour Protection Council, Bożena Borys-Szopa and Deputy Chairperson of LPC, Roman Giedrojć MP, officially hand over the flag of the State Labour Inspection to the Chief Labour Inspector Tadeusz Jan Zając.

1 May 2004

Poland enters the European Union. The State Labour Inspection becomes a full-fledged member of Senior Labour Inspectors’ Committee.

13 April 2007

The passing of the State Labour Inspection Act which is currently in force, amongst others, extended the scope of powers of the Inspection allowing it to assess the legality of employment. The Act entered into force on 13 April 2017.


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