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Historia Państwowej Inspekcji Pracy


The first issue of “Labour Inspector” is printed.


In the Ravensbrück concentration camp Halina Krahelska draws up “The guidelines for the organisation of Labour Inspection in Independent Poland after World War II”


After World War II the supervision over all issues concerning labour safety, health and protection was entrusted to the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, and within it – the Labour Department. An interministerial Central Committee on Occupational Safety and Health was also constituted and it had its counterparts in 20 sectors. Amongst others, it conducted inspection proceedings in workplaces with the highest levels of hazards.

20 March 1950

The district bodies of uniform state authority bill conveys auspice over labour inspection to national councils.


The creation of SLI Training Centre in Wrocław.

10 November 1954

Pursuant to the “Decree on the assumption by trade unions of the tasks in the area of exercising the regulations on labour protection, safety and health and exercise of labour inspection” the inspectorate became a service acting within the framework of trade unions. The previous field labour inspection was transformed into a technical labour inspection working on a sector basis.

6 March 1981

The passing of the State Labour Inspection Act, describing SLI as a body designated to supervise and inspect compliance with labour law, in particular concerning work safety and health.

29 May 1989

Through the Act on relinquishing the powers of the National Council to the President and other state authorities, the State Labour Inspection was subordinated to the Sejm.


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